Community Quarterback: Identity, Inc. (
Community: Central Gaithersburg
County: Montgomery County
Award: $300,000
Contact: Diego Uriburu (
Identity, Inc., is a nonprofit Community Quarterback whose mission is to "create opportunities for Latino and other historically underserved youth to realize their highest potential and thrive." In collaboration with a group of local government, school and community partners, the Partnership will focus on the Central Gaithersburg/Montgomery Village area in Montgomery County, and consists of organizations including: The Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence, City of Gaithersburg Community Services Division, 480 Club LLC, Gaithersburg Beloved Community Initiative, Housing Initiative Partnership, Inc., Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy, and the University of Maryland School of Public Health. Together with members of the community, the Partnership will conduct needs assessment and asset mapping activities and create a Neighborhood Action Plan to prioritize Cradle-to-Career, Healthy Families, Economically Secure Families, and Safe and Thriving Communities.